Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Herewith the comments of a publisher’s “First Reader":

"Normally I would ask for a revision of this synopsis to make it a little shorter and a little less wink-of-the-eye, but I can't deny that it's involving reading that exactly gets the tone and scope of the novel across, which is exactly what your synopsis should be doing. Similarly, some parts of the outline tend to evade specificity in favor of style, but it gives us enough--who lives, who dies, what the treasure is--that it makes the details that aren't there seem unimportant for the time being. If your manuscript itself hadn't been a good read, I probably would have asked for revisions of both of these things. But since I think they each convey the tone you're going for so well, and since the manuscript itself chugs along with energy, a sense of freshness, and a pulpy sensibility perfect for the genre, I think you've really stuck the landing here. The most important aspect of any submission is that each part makes you want to read more, and that's exactly what you've accomplished here. It's rare that such a fully developed world and strong voice come across my desk..."

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