Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Partial Synopsis:

Travis McGee (a famous beach bum created by John D. MacDonald) comes to Jesus? With a world-class bad guy? Yeah. I think that kind of says it.
Corky, our protagonist, is a bounty hunter. He’s a good man but doesn’t know it. Barbara (the real heroine of the piece) is his girlfriend. And then there’s Preacher: a street preacher, a classic Uncle Tom - but with [redacted for this venue lest we spoil the surprise - WG]. He teaches what it means and what it takes to turn the other cheek. It is Preacher (with Barbara’s help) who prepares Corky for the time when he must, inevitably, come to God and Christ and to the Holy Spirit.
And Bozo? Well. There you go. Bozo. What can you say? We ought all to thank our God that this is just a book.
Set in Tampa, steeped in local color. Action? Humor? Romance? Fun? Suspense? And could you call it quirky? Yeah, pretty much. A bunch of each.
And it’s even got a tattooed dog...

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